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Items filtered by date: grudzień 2022

poniedziałek, 27 luty 2023 11:54

My first time with a spinning wheel.

Hello and welcome to the Friday's Witch! 


The next months are behind me without a blog. I miss posting but unfortunately life is not going well for me. But today will not be about my worries. On the contrary - about small successes. But from the beginning: in October 2020, bearing in mind the upcoming date of my birthday, I made myself a gift. I dreamed about it for a long time, but I didn't have the courage to admit it. Yes, you guessed right - I dreamed of a spinning wheel. When I was at a quilt market in Germany a few years ago, I saw a stand with spinning wheels. I watched as the lady sitting at the spinning wheel spun the thread beautifully and evenly. A fascinating sight! Staring at the spinning thread, I heard - "Do you want to try it?" Of course, I wanted to try it, but I knew perfectly well that it was not an easy task. I was very afraid that I would not be able to cope with the task, but curiosity was stronger than fear. And you know what? I did it! From that moment on, I kept thinking about spinning yarn on my own  and, of course, about the spinning wheel! So over two years ago my dream came true.Unfortunately, bad health, then a pandemic, which unfortunately did not improve my health, then the next stage of the disease and ... finally, 2 weeks ago I was strong enough to make the decision to pull the spinning wheel out of the box. In the meantime, it turned out that there will be practical training in the use of spinning in Krakow. It's only 100 km from me. An hour's journey by car. I didn't hesitate to go. The training taught me confidence in using the spinning wheel. Now I have many hours of practice ahead of me. I'm not worried about time. I'm in no hurry - I'm making my dream come true!

I have a Sonata spinning wheel. HERE IS THE LINK to the manufacturer. Kromski & Sons spinning wheel is a Polish company, but they are known all over the world. Most of them are in Germany and the United States of America. In Poland, you can also buy it in the Hobby Wełna store LINK HERE

kolo2Here is my first artistic author's yarn :D :D 


In addition to practice, there was a lecture on the origin of fibers. We could touch and feel the difference between plant and animal fibres.Of course, there are also differences between animal fibers, because as you can guess, there are also different hairs among sheep. There are also differences in plant fibers such as flax or nettle.

kolo5Here you can see two different silk fibers - Noble and less noble silk. The white, shiny one is the one... that I love :D :D 


And here are two silkworm cocoons. Did you know that from one such cocoon you can unwind a thread up to 3,000 meters long?


That's it for today's news from your favorite Witch ;) 


Soon I will show you my new colored yarn.


I hope you like my new page and my  work :D I'd be glad if you leave a comment. Have a great day Loves! Margaret


friwitch 12



Published in Blog
środa, 19 październik 2022 12:24

Cute memories

Hello and welcome to the Friday's Witch! 


Oh! How long have I not written here! But during these few months I had a lot of life problems (mine and my family - mainly with my father, who is 86 years old). The problems do not go away, but I said - enough! I want to return to my daily activities and work. I also decided to return to painting - it is a huge change in my life. Today I want to show you a little bit of my life almost ten years ago. Well, my younger son left home about 8 years ago, and maybe even more, I don't remember exactly. But most of his things stayed in his room. I decided to paint this room 2 years ago, but you know how it is: if you ask your husband to paint the walls, you don't have to remind him every six months for 10 years, right? When he said he would do it, he would eventually do it. Taking advantage of the opportunity that my son came to visit us, I asked him to look at his belongings and decide what to leave behind and what to get rid of. Here's what I found in the box between the pile of books! These are my first Santa socks! I used decorative stitch on my first ultra modern electronic sewing machine. It was Janome Memory Craft 8900 and I called it "Niunia". Cats persistently wanted to climb the Christmas tree, which was standing on the floor, so the tree had to hang on the wall. This Christmas tree is an idea and execution of my younger son. Cats are already old, so for several years we have had a traditional Christmas tree - standing on the floor. Below are some photos of my first sewn socks according to my own idea.

5soks2013I want to tell you that I made this decoration especially for them. The older son Dorian was then 26 years old and the younger 20 years old. In Poland, we do not have a tradition of treating Saint Nicholas with cookies and milk. I liked this tradition from English countries very much and that's why I decided to bake cookies and leave the milk and give Santa Claus. And since my boys were no longer young children - that's okay! They were having fun. 


And I think these are some of my first mug rugs. You can also see decorative stitches from my Niunia on them.
Niunia was so smart - she even had an alphabet to sew on.

1soks2013 These socks have two holes and the pillow has sewn buttons. Since the socks are made of one layer of regular cotton, they are very floppy. Pinned to the pillow, they are stable and do not lose their shape. the photos are not of good quality because I downloaded them from my old fb profile. Traditionally, I bake a lot of gingerbread cookies. 


And my delicious birthday cake.


I still have an attic to tidy up. I wonder what treasures I can find there ;) :D  


I hope you like my new page and my  work :D I'd be glad if you leave a comment. Have a great day Loves! Margaret


friwitch 12



Published in Blog
środa, 06 lipiec 2022 20:03

Feather on Zipp Pouch

Hello! As you can see I did zipper pouch.

Published in Quilting
piątek, 10 czerwiec 2022 22:47

Navy Irises (Town Square No 2 finished)

Hello and welcome to the Friday's Witch! 

Published in Quilting
piątek, 03 czerwiec 2022 14:15

Artyn Thread (Ariadna Co.)

Hello and welcome to the Friday's Witch! 

Published in Quilting
piątek, 27 maj 2022 21:27

Wiesia's quilt

Hello and welcome to the Friday Witch! 

Published in Quilting
piątek, 20 maj 2022 19:23

Quilt for Alicja

Hello and welcome to the Friday Witch! 

Published in Quilting
piątek, 13 maj 2022 16:42

My new life and quilt for Janeczka

Yes, I've had a huge change in my life for two weeks, but more on that in a moment. 

Published in Quilting
piątek, 06 maj 2022 19:48


Hello! You know me – I love to write, but today will be very short.

Published in Quilting
piątek, 29 kwiecień 2022 19:40

Something new

Hello! So… maybe I should to begin like this: I have a lot of friend. 

Published in Quilting

About Me

I’m Margaret: painter, quilt artist and patterns designer.



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FRIWITCH Margaret Lehmann


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85 Great Portland Street, W1W 7LT London